It's happening again. #fall

Nov 15, 2018

It's that time of year again.  The trees are turning, the mums are blooming, pumpkins are being harvested, and there is a crisp cool breeze in the air.      

I love this time of year!   I can officially say after thinking through each season, "Fall is my favorite time of year."  I love wearing turtlenecks, jeans, and boots.  I love all the beautiful colors fall brings.  God is amazing this time of year.  He is always amazing.  

I live in Oklahoma and we still have four seasons.  Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.  There are things I like and dislike about each.  For example, I love it when winter finally disappears for good. I don't like winter. I don't like being cold.  In fact, I pray for winter to hurry and end.  Winter is a time to bundle up.  A time to stay indoors in front of a fireplace, and a time to each soup and drink hot chocolate.

Besides fall, Spring is another beautiful time of year.  The trees and grass start to bloom again, wildflowers start springing up in the meadows, and baby calves and colts are being born. It's a time to dust off the winter gloom and put on a sunshiny face.  A time to put away the sweaters and coats for something cooler and breezier.  A time to spring clean. A time for baby chicks to start hatching.

Summer is my least favorite time of year because I don't like being hot.  I do, however, enjoy wearing summer dresses, sandals, and shorts.  Summer is a time for swimming and wearing flipflops.  A time to stay cool under a shade tree.  A time to go fishing.  A time to go on vacation to the ocean, and a time to harvest winter hay.  

Fall is my favorite. It's Fall Y'all!

photo credit:  Lisa Harris

The one thing I have determined by examining each season is I don't like being uncomfortable.  I don't like being too hot or too cold. I like it when the temp is just right, everything is beautiful around me, and everything is going just right.  

Isn't that like human nature though?  We don't like being in situations or places that make us uncomfortable.  We don't like being out of our comfort zones.  But isn't that where things happen, out there in the unknown? Having faith in God, and daring to do what He has called us to do?    

Ecclesiastes 3 (NIV)
tells us there is a time for everything.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens"

Don't be discouraged today if you are in a season of your life you don't really find comfortable.  Keep pressing forward.  Know this.  Even though the trees may change their colors and lose their leaves.  The grass may fade and wither.  The flowers may lose their petals. Your hair may turn gray, and your children will grow older, there is one thing that remains the same--God's word and His promises. 

In all seasons of life, His promises keep us, protect us, and give us hope.  His grace is sufficient.  His mercies endureth forever. His love is everlasting. 

Find something to love in each season of weather and life. God has a plan and it involves you. 

Embrace each season,

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