No Task Too Big or Too Small

Mar 19, 2020

In life, we dream of finding our place, living our purpose and making a difference. Along the journey, we find ourselves on paths we never thought of taking, doing things we never intended on doing.

For some, the journey leads to a big stage or to a corporate job, but for many, the journey leads to simple jobs doing small things.

There is nothing insignificant in God's plan. He has had your life orchestrated from the very beginning, and each big or small task you do plays an important part in the bigger picture.

I don't believe in fate, luck or the universe aligning together to help us find our place, but I do believe in divine set-ups and appointments. One can believe in divine things when believing in the Divine One.

Make it your mission to use your life as a willing vessel no matter where you may be in your life. Start looking at the people around you as divine set-ups and appointments and even assignments.  

Take advantage of the opportunities you are given to show kindness, share a kind word or simply listen.  There are people who are counting on you to do your part; they don't know it, but God does.

In God's eyes, the big and the small are all the same size. 

Love always,
Lisa-Rural America Girl

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