A Beautiful Day To Be A Rooster

Oct 01, 2018

I  get up early every morning to tend to the chickens. Here are the steps.

Step 1: I gather their treats, table scraps and such from the night before.

Step 2: Slip on my rubber boots to keep my feet dry from the morning dew.

Step 3: Fight my way out the back door where all three dogs are anxiously awaiting to help, or maybe not.

Step 4: Dump the chicken treats and run from the scene.

Step 5: Make my way to the chicken house to open the screen door.  I keep them pinned up at night so they can be safe from all chicken hungry varmints! They like the privacy anyway.  I wonder what they really do in the dark?

It's so cute.  All the little chickies are standing at the screen watching and waiting for me.  As I open the door, they all hurry out like they have been cooped up all night.

Step 6: Dodge chicken poop, fill my bucket with chopped corn and walk to the barn with a feathery following. This is where all the magic happens.

Here, chickie, chickie!

Shake, shake!

These are called chicken clues. Breakfast is coming.

And at last,

Step 7:  It's breakfast time. Nothing like chopped corn before eight in the morning.

I captured this beautiful picture of my rooster while he was eating his breakfast.

It's a beautiful day to be a rooster.

Don't skip breakfast,
Lisa-Rural America Girl

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