A Prayer I Pray Every Day

Mar 29, 2019



A prayer I pray every day is this.  

Open my eyes to see what I need to see.
Open my ears to hear what I need to hear. 
Help me to do the things I need to do today.

When you pray this prayer and mean it, things start to happen.

Your eyes are opened wider.  You start seeing things through the eyes of Jesus. He starts removing your tunnel vision and allows you to see the broader picture around you.  

People. Your Life. How you can be a blessing. Your blessings.

Your ears are opened to hear things you need to hear and maybe you've heard them a million times before, but suddenly they start sounding differently.

He pulls the earplugs from your ears, those things that have been muffling your hearing.  

When your eyes and ears are open you start seeing and hearing more clearly. You start recognizing there is a world of people out there who are hurting and lost. 

There are children who are hurting. Children who have no mother or father.  They are being raised by grandparents or an aunt and uncle.  Or they have parents but they are addicted to a substance that keeps them from being there for their children.  These children are hurting. 

There are children who are lost and wandering in hopelessness, depressed, and feeling worthless because there is no one to love them.  They act up and stay in trouble because it is the only way they can get attention.

There are children out there whose parents are separated and facing divorce and it has turned their world upside down. They are hurting on the inside, and hide their pain through silence and isolation, or with outbursts of anger. 

There are children who never get a decent meal or have clean clothes to wear.  Their bed sheets haven't been changed in weeks and they live in filth.  Their heart aches as they cry into their pillow each night.  

When your eyes are open to see and your ears are opened to hear, these things start standing out.  You start recognizing them more and your heart starts to ache with compassion.

And when that happens, the Holy Spirit can start to work in your life.  He will start showing you how to be a blessing.  But He won't leave you to do it alone, He will be there to help guide you with wisdom to do the things He needs you to do today.

When your ears and eyes are open to see the problems others are facing, your problems start looking smaller and smaller and your blessings bigger and bigger.

Pray for our children.

Rural America Girl--Lisa

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