Be Faithful in the Little Things

May 06, 2018

Good men are hard to find. I'm proud to have a good one.

He is dedicated and faithful to his family.  He is hard-working and not afraid to get his hands dirty. He has the kind of hands that are rough and callused, scared and weathered. They are gentle when a soft touch is needed or stern and strong when discipline and decisions need to be made.

He is the kind of man who is neat and well-kept, not only with his appearance but also with his surroundings.  He appreciates what he has and never complains about it.

He loves to manicure the yard and spends countless hours on the lawnmower or tractor dragging the brush hog. He doesn't even give the grass time to breathe or exhale before he's cutting it down again--short like his haircut. He doesn't like either looking shaggy.

I say all of this about this man of mine because he has always been a good steward over the things with which God has blessed him.

From the yard to the horses, to the house in which he lives, to the pasture where the cattle graze, to the trucks which he drives, he always does his best-taking care of it all.

Isn't that what we are supposed to do?  We should be good stewards over the things with which God has blessed us.

If you're not taking care of the things you already have, and being a good steward over them, how will God ever bring to you bigger and more beautiful blessings?

If you are believing for a new car, then clean the one you already have.  If you are believing for a new house, then take care of the one you are living in now.  If you are believing for a bigger yard or pasture to graze your horses and cattle, then manicure it well and show you appreciate what you already have.

Be a person who is faithful with little, so much can be granted. God will smile when He sees your heart full of gratitude and faithfulness, just as my heart smiles whenever I see this man of mine.

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