Camera Journey

Sep 05, 2017

For some time now, I have discovered a new creative passion--taking pictures and making videos.

I never knew I was capable of doing such until my mother bought me a camera for my birthday. It presented a new challenge for me.

I didn't have a clue how to use a camera much less a camera with all kinds of fancy buttons and settings, but I learned.

It has been a journey of trial and errors, but well worth it.

I love taking pictures of my children, whenever they let me, along with taking pictures of things around the farm like trees, flowers, hay bales, horses, cows, and chickens.

Most of the time, it's only the three of us, me, the camera, and the tripod. The self-timer setting is the best thing ever! It's how I've taken most of my pictures.

What I have discovered? Taking pictures isn't all that difficult and a lot of fun!

I've even had to buy additional hard drives to store all the pictures and videos. How will I ever organize them all?

My camera takes HD video, and along with taking pictures, I have started taking small video clips from various things around the farm as well.

I got the bright idea to put these clips together to make cute little marketing videos and such.

It is a creative process and takes a lot of time, but so worth it in the end. I love being creative.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures. I have too many, I know.















I don't claim to a professional photographer, and I still have a lot to learn. However, with an inexpensive camera and a lot of imagination one can only dream of being one.

Dream a dream,

Rural America Girl


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