Cinderella Girl-Flash Back Friday

Mar 04, 2018

I'll never forget the early years, all the pageantry experiences and opportunities.  It was during those years, I learned many life lessons.

The bible teaches us to never despise small beginnings, and the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.  I had no idea of the work he was doing and beginning in life back then, or how he was preparing me for the future.  He was paving a way for me today, for such a time as this. A time to share my experiences and life lessons with others through a beautiful girl's ministry called Princess Charm School.

Never despise small beginnings.  Bad hairdos or corky smiles.

Never throw out or hide the old pictures your mother made you take years ago.

They are all steps and stages of your life.  Your life being orchestrated and guided by a brilliant Father who loves you cares about you and rejoices in you.

A Father who is faithful to finish the good work He has begun in you.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and know He is guiding you, and directing you on the path of a beautiful future.  As long as you remain in fellowship with Him.

Royal Blessings to you,
Lisa--Rural America Girl


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