Constant Negative News

Aug 09, 2018

Research proves exposure to negativity may have serious and long-lasting psychological effects beyond simple feelings of pessimism and goes on to suggest that negativity contributes to the development of stress, anxiety, depression, and provokes worry.

Are you a victim of constant negative news?

WATCH MY VIDEO CLIP [length 4:29] below to learn more…

You are a Victor in Christ Jesus,
Rural America Girl–Lisa

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What lies are you believing?


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Are you a victim of constant negative news? Turn on the TV--what do you hear--constant negative news. Scroll social media-what do you see--constant negative news. Talk to a co-worker-and what do they have to say--nothing but constant negative news. There is no doubt the world is a mess and bad things are happening all the time, in fact, Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:1--but know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. Perilous means full of danger or risk, hazardous, unsafe and even treacherous. There is no question, we are living in these times now, but should we be fearful and fall victim to its assault? Research proves exposure to negativity may have serious and long-lasting psychological effects beyond simple feelings of pessimism and goes on to suggest that negativity contributes to the development of stress, anxiety, depression, and provokes worry. Negative news can also significantly change an individual’s mood and mindset. Journalist and editors spare nothing when it comes to spreading negative news and, in some ways, it seems they find delight in keeping us bound to fear and worry. Besides the news we see on tv and read in the papers, there is another kind of platform constant negative news is being highlighted each day. It's in our minds. The devil also holds nothing back when it comes to assaulting your mind. He finds delight in your anxieties and worries and laughs at your fears. The devil is a liar and, in the business, to steal, kill and destroy you in any way he can. One technique he uses, is self-destruction. This happens when you start believing the news he whispers in your ear and suddenly you've allowed it to destroy your hopes, steal your dreams, and keep you from fulfilling your destiny. Suddenly you fall victim to constant negative news. I'd like to ask the question. What negative news have you been listening to? Does it say--You're not good enough or smart enough. You're not pretty or skinny enough. You'll never amount to anything. God doesn't really love you, how can he, after all those sins you've committed, and what about your past, God will never forgive you for that. I'm here to tell you today--Don't believe those lies.
Romans 12:2 instructs you to renew your mind so that we may prove what is good and acceptable. When you start to renew your mind with what God says about you and your future, then you will better recognize negative news when it's being whispered in your ear. The truth will set your free and gives you the strength to stand against the wiles of the devil. Don't fall victim to constant negative news. Turn it off, and be quick to cast down arguments, every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bring every thought into captivity. Turn off negativity, start reading the headlines in God's word, and tune into the positive, uplifting, and liberating truth that it brings. You are not a victim you are a victor in Christ Jesus.

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