Don't Grow Weary in Doing What is Right

Aug 28, 2018

Have you heard about the 5th-grade boy who was punished for saying "Yes Ma'am" to his teacher?

A fifth grader in North Carolina had to write "ma'am" dozens of times as punishment for calling his teacher "ma'am.

Here's the article, and yes this is real.

Isn't school a place where teachers are to teach students the importance of respect, not the importance of being politically correct?

I'm confused.  What has this world come to, honestly?

Punishing a student for being polite and showing respect is, in my opinion, wrong.

There is clearly a problem with the teacher, maybe she is confused with her gender. Or maybe, she is a he in disguise. You never know these days.

I know I'm walking on some tall water right now, but the truth needs to be heard.

It may offend some people when you decide to use common courtesies and social graces, but who cares if it does, keep on doing what is right and respectful.

The Bible tells in 2 Thessalonians 3:13:  And as for you, brethren, do not become weary or lose heart in doing right [but continue in well-doing without weakening].

Don't let the society of today weaken your ability to stand fast in the truth of the knowledge of God's word.

Don't let society tell you as parents what is right and wrong. Always look to the word of God for wisdom.

Don't stop teaching your children to show respect in all manners of life.

Saying Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir isn't just a southern thing, it's a respectful thing.

Manners Matter,
Lisa--Rural America Girl

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