Father's Day

Jun 04, 2018

Father's Day, a time to celebrate dads of all kinds. The dads of the present who are still here with us, the ones we can still call up and say, "I love you, dad, thank you for being you." The dads of the past who have already gone to glory to celebrate a much grander Father's Day in heaven. The dads of the future who are anticipating and expecting the birth of their first child so they too can be called daddy.

No matter which kind of dad you are celebrating this holiday, one thing's for certain. Being a dad takes a lot of responsibility, strength, and courage.

Maybe you've had the greatest dad on earth. One who is always there for you or was always there for you whenever you needed a helping hand or sound advice. One who you loved, adored and respected. The dad who gave of himself unselfishly to provide for his family and tried to fulfill those responsibilities that weighed so heavily on his shoulders with dignity and honor.

It's a good thing dads were given broad shoulders and strong hands. You know the kinds of shoulders you could be lifted up on and carried around. The kinds of hands you thought were strong enough to do anything--like loosen a lid, tighten a screw, or gently take you by the hand. The strong kind of hands that weren't afraid to correct and discipline or give a hug when it was needed.

Funny how dads come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities, thank goodness they are all different. Maybe your dad was a rodeo cowboy and roped steers or calves, or spurred a bull for eight seconds, or rode that bucking, wild bronco until the buzzer rang.

Or, maybe your dad was a farmer, a rancher, a welder, a construction worker, or a craftsman of some kind, whichever part he played or still plays in this life, there is one thing for certain, dads play significant roles in each of our lives. They are important.

Maybe you have been blessed with a wonderful and loving dad with whom you have the privilege of talking to each day, or maybe you have a dad you haven't talked to in years and you have let anger come in as a thieve and rob you of precious moments and memories, or maybe your dad hasn't been a dad at all, or you don't even know who your dad is, that doesn't change the facts.

Dads help keep the world spinning, they help us when we fall, they encourage and direct us, and they are always looking out for our best interest. They teach us how to drive, how to fish, how to love one another, how to work hard, and how to show respect and kindness.

Dads play a vital part in our lives.  They are to be respected even when we don't agree with them.  They are to be loved unconditionally even when they didn't know how to show it.  They are to be treasured, cherished, and celebrated.

In a blink of an eye, time will have its way.

Dads will grow older and weaker. Their hair will start turning gray and the wrinkles of their responsibilities will start to show. Their shoulders will start to slouch and their hands won't be as strong.

But one thing will remain, their words of wisdom and encouragement will always be remembered.  The times they lifted us up on their shoulders, took us by the hand and helped us when we needed help, and loved us when we were unlovely. Those are the things to be treasured, to be remembered, to be celebrated.

I encourage you today to make time for your dad this Father's day. Give him a call, bake him a pie, spend the day with him, and let him know you are grateful and that you love him.

Mend fences before it's too late.  Say "I love you" even when it doesn't feel right. Mail that card or make that phone call even though you haven't spoken in years. Mend fences before it's too late and time gets away from you--before the wild horses come thundering down the valley to take him on to a bigger rodeo in the sky leaving behind only hoof prints of memories.

Happy Father's Day...
Lisa---Rural America Girl

Listen the blog post Here.


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