Get my Book for FREE! (limited time)

Apr 22, 2019

Today and this week is a special week.  Starting today Monday, April 22, 2019, I will be giving my book Princess Charm School:  A Godly Approach to Beauty, Poise, and Righteousness away for FREE!

Yes, you read it right, FREE!

I have never done this before and will never do it again.  So I wanted to share some insights about the book and what I offering so you'd be better informed as to where my heart is.  

Maybe you’ve read books about what the Bible has to say about money, and relationships, and dieting, and mindset

… but have you ever read a book on what the Bible has to say about beauty?

Because if not…

Lisa Harris (that's me) has spent 40 years working in the fashion, modeling, and pageant industries — but with an important twist:
 I'm a Christian, and all my pageant victories, all my successes in helping other young women gain confidence, direction, and poise in life… have come from her Christian faith, and my deep exploration of scripture.

In my book Princess Charm School,

… I've compiled my very best insights — about how to take a godly approach to beauty (both inner and outer), etiquette, and manners — in a wonderful, 260-page guide.

… which you can download FREE on Amazon, for the next few days: 
(actually Monday, April 22, 2019, thru Friday, April 26, 2019)

>>Download Your FREE Copy<<

My book — which is good for all ages — includes…

  • 100+ journaling questions

  • 44 prayers, designed to help you invite God into your self-care efforts

  • Over 40 beauty tips from a pageant-winning self-image coach

  • 100+ relevant Bible verses and passages
  • 17 all-natural, highly-effective recipes for various beauty products… including conditioner, face mask, body scrub, foot care products, and treatment for dry skin
  • 22 motivational thoughts, written to encourage you in a world with wrong & unrealistic standards
  • Dozens of tips on attitude, posture, manners, body care, exercise, and fashion, 

...and a whole lot more.

>>Get Lisa’s book FREE<<

Here’s a review that a happy reader wrote, about my book…

Lisa Harris' book, Princess Charm School, is such a gift. I have also heard Lisa speak and I love her heart. Appropriateness whether in manners, conversation or dress is no longer a priority in our culture. The result is there is a vast amount of ignorance concerning these things.

Princess Charm School teaches the lost art of manners, also known as etiquette, which gives the learner a poise and grace that is so needing to be revived. But it goes even deeper than that. Lisa's deeply felt heart's desire to share the Good News about the only One who can make true heart change in a person's life is a strong thread throughout the book.

I was blessed with a grandmother who was a true Christian lady in every sense of the word even though she was poor most of her life. Whether you had a role model or not you can turn to this book to find out what you need to know or just fill some gaps to become the gracious woman God desires you to be. Great for individual study or in a group.”    
—S. Coody

>>Get Lisa’s book FREE<<

In addition to my FREE book (limited time) give away, I am being featured in a special spotlight webinar interview on:  Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 2 P.M. EST.

I want to invite you to attend, so go ahead and register for that now:

Register for tomorrow’s interview

I once heard someone say...

The best way to learn is through osmosis;
by hanging around people who are more experienced than you, and letting their wisdom seep into you.

So you can avoid their mistakes.

And seize their successes — more quickly than they did.

I invite you to take advantage of these two opportunities:
1.  Download my book for FREE
2.  Register for my webinar.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 

Thank you!
Rural America Girl-Lisa

P.S.  This is a limited time offer but I still wanted you to know.

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