
Jun 05, 2018

I love to look at pictures of hairstyles on Pinterest and daydream about what my life would be like if I had beautiful flowing locks or a short and sassy style.  Would my life really be any better?  And would the perfect hairstyle really make a difference?

If I did have beautiful flowing locks and the perfect hairstyle, my life would be the same, and "Does the perfect hairstyle really exist?" I mean really.

I grew up in the eighties when perms and big hair were in style. You know the kind of hair you ratted to Heaven and sprayed with hairspray to keep in place all day and night and sometimes all week. I loved my big hair, my hairspray, and my hot rollers.

Check out this hairdo...

(Lisa--circa 1986)

Hairstyles are constantly changing and new ones are being invented every day.  Some of them are downright outrageous, while others are okay. There aren't many styles I do like or would claim as my perfect hairstyle forever.  However, there are many women who have had the same hairstyle for years and will probably never change it.

Crown Thought:
Change is hard to embrace but good for the heart and soul.

As women, we are always looking for new ways to improve and dress up our outward appearance.  We stay on trend with the latest fashions.  The newest hairstyles, cuts, and colors.  We even spend thousands of dollars each year trying to look our best.

It's easy to make changes to our outward appearance but what about our inward beauty doesn't it matter too? How much time and money do you spend working on improving its appearance?

Here are some cold hard facts.

You may look good on the outside dressed in the latest fashions with your nails perfectly manicured and your hair sprayed to Heaven, but on the inside, you are still wearing filthy rages stained with anger, rage, malice, slander, abusive, filthy, and vulgar language.

No amount of makeup or fancy clothes can cover up your true character.

You may think your hairstyle is perfect and your hair is your crowning glory but your mouth is a flaming pit full of gossip, slander, and foul language.

If you are constantly changing your outward appearance and never changing what's inside, your behavior, your attitudes, the way you treat others, and your words, you will never discover your full potential.

Your life as a Christian should outshine any color of lipstick and stand higher than any height of stilettos.  You are called to excellence in all areas of your life inside and out.

When your time is done on this earth, how to do you want others to remember you?  By your hairstyle and a keen eye for fashion, or by your spirit of excellence and preserving your character to make sure you were the best example of Christ you could possibly be.

Stand out in a world of many hairstyles.

Your Etiquette Instructor,

Princess Bible Verse:
But now rid yourselves [completely] of all these things: anger, rage, malice, slander, and obscene (abusive, filthy, vulgar) language from your mouth. Colossians 3:8 AMP

Princess Prayer:
Lord, help me to receive Your love and forgiveness in its entirety. Open the eyes of my heart to understand the gift of mercy and grace You have given and continually give. Thank you for forgiving me of my sins and giving me the gift of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Princess Beauty Tip:
Look into the mirror of God's word to learn how to look your best.

Princess Confession:
I will live a life of excellence so His qualities can shine through me.

Princess Challenge:
Make a daily effort to examine your behaviors, mindsets, and attitudes and strive to be better.

Princess Journaling Assignment:
Make a list of the things you do each day and each month to maintain your outward appearance, now do the same for the things you do to enhance your inner qualities like spending quiet time with God and studying His word. Do you see yourself as mean, hateful, and foul-mouthed? Why or Why not.

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