I Wrote Princess Charm School And This Happened

Aug 21, 2018

Writing a book is no easy task, in fact, it is down-right hard, but don't let that stop you.  If you feel lead to write a book, I say go for it.

Throughout this Princess Charm School journey, I have cried many tears of frustration and have had many hardships.

Whenever God gives you a vision, He never rolls out the red carpet and says it's going to be easy.  Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy, but with God all things are possible.

I started writing rough drafts for the book Princess Charm School in 2001. A long time ago.  I still have all the drafts covered with red marks left from my husband's edits.

It did take a long time to write the book, and it seemed like forever before my vision would reach the shelves of bookstores.  The day I found out it would be published and distributed to bookstores worldwide, I cried and gave thanks to Jesus.

God is good all the time. God has a plan.

It has been seventeen years now, but I feel like it was yesterday.

In those seventeen years, the enemy has come against the message of Princess Charm School in numerous ways.  He doesn't want young girls to know there is a Godly Approach to Beauty, Poise, and Righteousness. A better way to live.

Princess Charm School is a divine message for girls of today, and will never go out of style. Period.

Here are a couple of things I will share that has happened.

#1.  Princess Charm School was infringed by a major toy company and a movie was made.  Yes, I pursued their wrong and I'll leave it at that.

#2.  I found out in the fall of 2017, my publisher would go out of business and leave thousands of authors hanging in the balance, including me.

Were both of these things traumatic events?  Yes and Yes.

As a result, I still don't have a publisher, I only have a limited number of books left to sell and no way to reprint, and I sigh every time I am compared to or mistaken to be Barbie Princess Charm School.

I know God is on my side, and He will turn my troubles into good.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

So my point in telling you, I wrote Princess Charm School and this happened, is... to let you know;

#1: Once you start pursuing a God-given vision, it won't be easy.

#2:  The enemy will use people to try and steal it from you, maybe not literally but by trying to talk you out of doing it.

#3:  It may take years, but remember God has a plan, and His timing is perfect.

#4:  Believe in your vision.  If it is larger than life and seems impossible, it is from God.

And most importantly,

#5: Keep going no matter what, no matter how long, and refuse to give up on what God has ordained for such a time as this.

Here's to your vision,
Lisa--Rural America Girl

Do you have a vision larger than life, if you do, then it must be from God.
Leave a comment, but only nice ones.


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