Monroe - Orman Engagement Photo Session

Apr 10, 2018

On November the 11th, 2017, I had the privilege to photograph a beautiful couple who is getting married Nov 2018 of next year. You can see the entire album here:

There names, Kasy and Cameron.
What a cute couple!

I was a little anxious about this day. This was my first engagement picture photo session, and I wanted things to be perfect. I wanted to catch the perfect Pinterest picture.  I know there is no such thing as perfect but a girl can dream.

I have taken a million pictures of my children and even of myself, but this was different. So I studied and prayed for direction.

The day was cloudy and cold, and the wind was slightly blowing from the northwest. I do not like it when the wind blows!

Latter in the session, we escaped deep into the backwoods so the trees could serve not only as a wind block but also as a backdrop.

The session started off in some beautiful, tall, and orange colored sage grass (my favorite). I love sage grass in the fall. Here is my favorite shot.

After we enjoyed the beautiful sage grass we then moved to our old barn. Here is my favorite shot.

Next stop, the '54 Chevy. There were so many good pictures, I had trouble choosing, but I pick this one.

Love and Rust.

Off to the woods for the next picture, which I made into a Save-the-Date postcard.

I also captured this beautiful shot of the Ring!

Now on to my favorites. I have grown to like camouflage, and kissing ducks.

and last but certainly not least, I'll end with this beautiful picture of a sweet kiss on the forehead.

Congratulations Kasy and Cameron.

Best wishes,

Rural America Girl--Lisa


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