Rural America Girls and Boys

Jun 19, 2018

Hello from the Rural America Girls...and boys.

rural america girls and boys
Raychel and I are very excited to take on this divinely inspired endeavor together.  A new venture off into the sunset together at last. Onto the trails of pressing T-shirts, dreaming up cute designs, making jewelry, staying up late, and countless, countless (did I say countless) hours behind a computer screen!  If anyone says to you that starting your own business will be a breeze, ask them to step outside and feel the breeze because it ain't easy!

Since Raychel was a little girl (btw, I still consider her my little girl but don't tell her that. She's a teenager now and you know how they can be.)  She would draw designs of clothes in her handy dandy notebooks, color them, and show them to everyone.  I've always said she would make a great fashion designer, and I still believe it.  I still have all the notebooks and designs she has created throughout the years.  But her love for design has never stopped.

As her mother, I have watched her grow into a beautiful young lady. I am very proud of the woman she is becoming... (Does anyone have a tissue?) And now that she a grown mature woman, (Don't you know seventeen is the new twenty-five?) It's time she takes her love for fashion and design and steps out in faith with the talents God has given her.  Hence the start of Rural America Girl.

Rural America Girl is a collection of fashion, accessories, home décor, and inspirational merchandise celebrating faith, family, freedom, and fashion.

But wait there is more.  This is a family affair.

Sarah my eldest daughter is on a venture of her own.  The fashionista of the family has started her own business called SarahKStyles.  What a neat name, don't you think?  Well, I'm her mother and I think so.  If there was anyone that could wear a paper sack and make it look good it would be Sarah!  The girl has style, and she loves to wear headbands.

Here's a picture of her and her dog Hoot.

rural america girls and boys

And I can't forget my son Wade.  My sweet, precious, cutie pie, little boy. Don't tell him I said these things, he is also a teenager. Wade is very creative and is a great problem solver.  He helps us with almost everything we ask him to do, remember the teenager thing.  He is quite the sportsman. He loves hunting and being outdoors. He sisters refer to him as "

MR. perfect" because he is good at so many things.

Here is a picture of him shooting skeet.

rural america girls and boys

 And I can't forget the Cowboy who helps, supports, and encourages us to go for our dreams, Mr. Harris.

Here is a picture. I caught him when he wasn't looking.  He doesn't like to have his picture taken.

rural america girls and boys

Thank you for reading. I hope you will join us on this wonderful Rural America Girl journey!

Happy trails…
Lisa--Rural America Girl


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