Serve, Love and Show Respect

Mar 27, 2019

This past weekend, my husband and I attended a church service that was designed to be a  special day dedicated to the pastor's wife.  It was her 50th birthday.  What a beautiful service and celebration it turned out to be.  It was a surprise she didn't expect to receive.  

The congregation, the pastor, and her children worked effortlessly to ensure it would be a special day for her, one filled with love and celebration of life. And that it was.  

As I sat on the back row I witnessed something beautiful and inspiring.  It tugged at my heartstrings and caused tears to run down my face many times throughout the service.

It wasn't just the beautiful song the pastor sang to his wife or the slide show they made showing her life thus far that brought the tears, but it was also the thoughts of how God blesses us unexpectedly when we serve Him and believe in His unconditional love for us. 

He gave so we could give, and one must have love in order to give it.  Let me tell you, this little country church and country girl was feeling the power of His love in that sanctuary. Love is a beautiful thing. 

The pastor invited his bride to the stage to engage in some special questions about life and what it meant to turn fifty.  The questions were divinely inspired as well as the answers she gave.  

One answer she gave was something I related to. She said, "I live my life for Jesus, loving Him and allowing His light to shine through me.  I want to live my life serving people and in a way that is pleasing in His sight.  And when I stand before the Lord one day, I can say, I gave it my all."

How beautifully said.  

Isn't that what we are called to do as a Christian--Serve, Love, and Show Respect to the Father by the way we choose to live our life so it can be a living testimony of His grace and mercies to others?

Are you serving others? Are you making a difference with your life by simply living for Jesus?  

Are your words, your actions, and deeds expressing His love?
Are you showing respect for the Father by the way you are living your life for Him? 

He who has chosen you from many has given you a hope and a future, and loves you unconditionally.  The strength is in you to love, serve, and do what is right.

At fifty, you have already lived half your life, but life doesn't stop at fifty, it keeps on going.  There is still time to make a difference, do what is right, and serve Jesus.

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