Show a Little Kindness

Sep 01, 2018

What would happen if we were all a little nicer?

A little less selfish, rude, and hateful?

What would happen if we actually said hello to the person with which we made eye contact?

Or, helped a neighbor or stranger in need?

I think it would make the world a better place.

As Christians, we are called to love, serve, and make a difference.

WATCH MY VIDEO CLIP [length 2:51] below to learn more...

Be Kind, Lisa

Don't forget to leave a comment. Only kind ones.

How do you show kindness?

Prayer Mentioned in Video:
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. Lord, use me in a great and mighty way today.  Use me in a way that would be of help to someone. Help open my eyes to see what I need to see, and my ears to hear what I need to hear.  Help me Lord to do what I need to do today, to be a good example and light for you.  In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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