The Official Book

Jun 05, 2018

For the past few days, my daughters and I have been working on a very important official book.  The FFA Official Scrapbook.  If you’re not familiar, then please allow me to explain.

For the past five years, my daughter Raychel has been a member of the FFA—Future Farmers of America and during that time she has had the opportunity to experience many wonderful things.  Like, showing livestock and learning responsibility, leadership skills, travel to state and national conventions, community service, giving speeches, and making friends and this only a short list. This book is a requirement to apply for the State Farmer’s degree which is an honor to receive.

The FFA is one of the largest youth organizations in the nation.  Its values are Christian based and I appreciate what the organization provides to so many young people all across America. I also believe in the 4-H another wonderful organization for young people.  My children were also 4-H members as well. If you are looking for a positive organization for your child to be a part of, I would recommend either of these or both!

The Official Book   The Official Book

The official scrapbook is a collection of photos and memorabilia showcasing all the years of involvement in the FFA.  I have taken hundreds of pictures throughout the years and Raychel has kept all kinds of memorabilia like ribbons, certificates, brochures, and such throughout the years as well. All in anticipation of this very important Official book.

What a journey it has been. I can’t believe Raychel is a senior this year and it is her time to apply for the State Farmer’s Degree.  Her dad and I are so proud of her accomplishments and the beautiful woman she has become.  She and her sister put a lot of time and thought into putting together this official book of memories.  They did a great job.

Sarah also earned the FFA State Farmer’s Degree and the FFA American Farmer’s Degree.  I also earned this prestigious award way back in the day…..which day?  Let's just say, a long time ago which, by the way, feels like yesterday. Time does fly......

In April of this year, Raychel will be walking across the stage of the OK State FFA Convention to join thousands of others who have also earned their State Farmer's Degree and then in May she will be receiving her high school diploma.  I'm already crying tears of joy.  Love this girl.......she's the bomb!

Here are some pictures of the forty-one page Official Book...

The Official Book         The Official Book

This is a look inside.

The Official Book   The Official Book       The Official Book      The Official Book

The Official Book

The Stock Show Life, Equine Science, Rodeo, FFA Activites, Family, and Friends... and a lot of fun.

Get involved in your local 4-H or FFA chapter or both.  It will be some of the best memories you'll ever make.

Happy FFA Journey to you and yours.
Lisa--Rural America Girl


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