The Problem with Selfishness

Mar 28, 2019



I have been overwhelmed with tears today. I am not normally a crier.  I usually can keep it all together but sometimes, life gets the best of me and I have to cry it out.  

I'm crying because of the amount of selfishness I see around me.  People running to and fro with their noses stuck in their cell phones, they don't have time for others, and never acknowledge those around them.

Most people don't even say "Hello" anymore.  They are too busy and in a hurry.  There was a time when people acknowledged others even in the grocery store.

But now, people are so caught up in their own little world and focused on their own set of problems, they never take the time to stop, listen, and acknowledge others.

When we do this we are letting selfishness be the ruler of our life.  How can one expect to be used by God if they never take the time to serve people?

I'm not saying you have to serve them lunch or wash their feet, but I am saying there are many ways to serve others.   

When we start looking up from our phones and looking into the faces of people we will see there are many who are hurting and going through some trials in their life.  There are people who simply need a random act of kindness or smile to make their day brighter.

The problem with selfishness is it keeps us from being a blessing and hinders the Holy Spirit from working through us.

When we stop looking through the lens of selfishness and start looking through the eyes of compassion, we will discover a whole new world filled with opportunities to be a blessing. 

We will then start to recognize the world doesn't revolve around us, it revolves around all of us.  God uses people but He can't use them if they are unwilling and too busy taking the perfect selfie.   

Be a blessing to someone today. 

Rural America Girl-Lisa


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