The World Needs More Cowboys

Jul 10, 2018

The world needs more cowboys.

In the country, will still raise our boys to be men, to respect God, America, and the Flag.

Will Real Men Please Stand Up!

WATCH THE VIDEO[length 3:33] below to learn more.

Cowboy Up,

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Do you know a real man?


The world needs more cowboys.  I consider a cowboy to be a man…a real man.  A man with callused hands and a sunburned neck. Who straps on his spurs and pulls on his boots each morning to step into a day filled with uncertainties. A man who stands tall in his Stetson and wranglers and pearl snapped cowboy shirt.  A man who’s not afraid of hard work and the scorching rays of sunlight beaming down on the back of his neck as he works to preserve the land and protect his livestock.  He’s not afraid of the elements because no matter what rain, sleet, hail, or sunshine, the animals still must eat. They anticipate him each morning while they stand patiently by their feed troughs waiting for their next bucket of breakfast or dinner. They can rely on him to be there when they need him the most. Faithfully each day feeding and nurturing them making sure they have everything they need to survive.  A cowboy's that way, faithful, trustworthy, grateful, and honest. Qualities needed to survive this harsh but rewarding way of life. But a cowboy can also mean cowgirl…There are many cowgirls who do the same and work just as hard.  But today I’m talking about cowboys.  A once respected breed and a majority in the world of masculinity is slowly diminishing by the wayside.  It may seem as though this is true, but if you look close enough you will find it to be different. In a world of hate and haters, here in the country, we still raise our boys to be men and respect God and America and know the meaning of hard work and honest pay. We teach our boys to be keepers of their words and to give a good firm handshake.  Where saying thank you ma’am, and yes sir is just minding good manners, being kind is the right thing to do. Tipping a hat is a simple way to say hello, and saluting Old glory is the perfect way to show respect.  I wonder what would really happen if the world had more cowboys? Would it really make a difference if there were more Stetson hats and wranglers being worn, or spurs being strapped on each morning?  Maybe it would and maybe it wouldn’t.  But there is one thing I do know.  Being a real man doesn’t mean you have to wear a cowboy hat or cowboy boots or even a pearl snapped shirt, because kindness, honesty, integrity, and the traits of excellence are no respecter of person. Make it your mission in life to live your life in a way that is pleasing in the sight of the Lord…Cowboy or not. Will the real men please stand up?

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