The Worst Cook In America

Sep 14, 2018

This is my older daughter Sarah Kathryn.  Isn't she a cutie?  I know she's twenty-three now, and not a little girl anymore, but she's still pretty cute.

Here she is washing dishes. She loves to cook, at least she loves trying to cook.

I have woke many mornings to the smell of scorched eggs.  Bless her heart. She means well.

I can't believe she is on season 14's Worst Cooks In America on Food Network!

Well, actually I can believe it, because I know she is a go-getter and a hard-worker.  Not only on the farm, but with everything she puts her hand to also.

I have witnessed this first hand.  Her heart is set to the spirit of excellence and is filled with a determination to succeed.

Here she is trying to make a cooking video.

Her goal is to one day have her own cooking show, and cook with Trisha Yearwood and the Pioneer Woman! They are big goals, but I know God is in the business of doing big things and what He has done for others, He can do for her. Amen.  (sermon for the day)

Back to cooking and the Food Network.

I recently found out that The Worst Cooks In America TV show is rated one of the top three cable shows in the Nation!

This is a big deal Ya'll.  At least for Sarah and for our family.

We love this little chick-a-dee.

I pray she comes out a better cook in the end. I guess I will have to watch and see if she really is the Worst Cook In America.

Don't forget to watch, as she tries to cook and win the end prize of $25,000.  You don't want to miss an episode, and trust me you will love it!

Here is the Worst Cooks in America Official Press Release to learn more about the upcoming season.

Cooking is fun,
Rural America Girl--Lisa

Are you a good cook or the Worst Cook In America?
Leave a comment, but only nice ones.


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