What makes a Godly Woman?

Feb 21, 2019

In my last post, I wrote a letter to the Godly woman asking her where she had gone and why she no longer stands out in this world. 

Now, I’d like to explore the characteristics of a Godly woman and what godliness really means.    

A Godly woman is more than a woman that serves God.  It is a lifestyle. It is a way she chooses to live her life every day by giving attention to every action, word, and deed. 

But what is godliness, and how is it defined?  How important is Godliness as a Christian? How does one achieve it?  

All three of these questions can be answered by saying: Godliness, means having a personal attitude toward God that results in actions that are pleasing to Him. Godliness isn’t automatically instilled in us at birth; we must pursue godliness. And, godliness gives us the power to win others to Christ.

In fact, we all have been given the same measure of faith and the ability to be Christlike and achieve godliness.  Becoming Christlike is more than being born again. It’s training ourselves in the word of righteousness so we can gain an understanding of true godliness.

Godliness isn’t a title.  It isn’t a spiritual luxury for a group of people who believe godliness can be achieved by dressing a particular way, avoiding worldly customs and traditions, or by being a super saint.  To be Christlike is both a privilege and a duty of every Christian.  It is learned from diligent study and practice.

Godliness could be summed up in these three words:

  • Attitude
  • Behavior
  • Actions

Then, what makes a Godly woman?

A Godly woman is devoted to pleasing God in all manner of speech, behavior, and deed. She is devoted and committed to the call on her life to serve others. 

She is mindful of her attitude. She doesn’t wear her feelings on her sleeve and is constant and consistent in all her ways.  She keeps close reigns on her thoughts because she knows where the battle is really fought—in her mind.  Therefore, she continually renews her mind and trains it unto the ways of righteousness by taking God’s word for what it really is—The Truth. 

She isn’t easily persuaded and is quick to cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

She keeps a close check on her behavior to make sure she is setting a good example for others to follow, especially her children.  In fact, the bible tells her how a wife can lead an unbelieving husband to salvation by her conduct alone. 

She takes her responsibility as a Christian representative seriously and realizes the power of her position.  She has the power to lead others to Him or away from Him by the way she chooses to behave and treat others.

And finally, she knows her attitude and behavior is reflected in her actions. She not only teaches her children to show kindness, respect others and mind their manners.  But she is also a doer of her word and leads by example.  She is not willing to settle for second best or half-way. Instead, she sets her standards on having a spirit of excellence and does her best at whatever she is asked to do.

She lives by the golden rule of treating others the way she would want to be treated and teaches her children to do the same.  She also puts love above all things by loving unconditionally, in all circumstances, and loving her neighbor as herself.

She loves her God, her husband, her children, her home and takes pride in being a good woman-no matter what the position. She is dedicated and committed to raising Godly children that will one day carry out the legacy of love and righteousness.

She makes mistakes but is quick to correct them. She is forgiving and shows compassion.  She is quick to listen, slow to anger and slow to speak.  These qualities give her the opportunity to be ready for every good work.
These are only a few characteristics of a Godly woman.

Final Thought:
“Godliness is more than Christian character: It is a character that springs forth from a devout, reverent, and commitment to serving God and others with all your heart.”     

References:  What is Godliness? An Article contributed by NavPress.
2 Corinthians 10:5, 1 Peter 3:1, Titus 2, Romans 13:8, Romans 12:2, James 1:19, I Timothy 6:1, Ephesians 5:8-10

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