What Makes a Successful Person Successful

Oct 16, 2018

Are you looking for success?
Do you desire to be successful in life?

In this blog post, I will cover nine qualities that I have found that make a successful person successful.  Let's begin.

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1.  A successful person is Optimistic.

They believe there is good in every situation, are happy, and smiles about their future even when things aren't going right.

The definition of Optimistic=hopeful and confident about the future.

Not everyone has this characteristic, and those who do, make the world a better place. They always have a positive word and outlook in everyday situations.

There are many scriptures that instruct us to be optimistic but here are a couple to remind us.

Proverbs 12:25 -- Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, But a good word makes it glad.

Psalm 118:24--This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

2.  Successful people have hope.

Successful people get up each morning knowing in their heart God has given them a bright future and they put their hope in Him.

Wouldn't you agree the world has its share of hopeless people?  Life has hit them hard and has robbed them of their hope for the future, or maybe they were never taught to have hope and the importance of dreaming of a better life.

That is why Christianity is so important and makes a difference in our society, Christianity is about hope and Jesus provided it. It is our job to share the hope of Christ with others.

Some Scriptures to remind us.

Provers 13:12--Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

Psalm 71:5--For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my trust from my youth and the source of my confidence.

Which leads us to point number three.

3.  Successful people have the confidence to believe in their abilities to succeed.

Confidence isn't a trait we are born with but a character trait we learn and develop as we mature in Christ and fully put our trust in Him.

I call it the "God Confidence."

The confidence that rises up within us when we know who we are in Christ Jesus, and an understanding that He is faithful and just to help us in every situation.

Scripture to remind us.

Psalm 56:11--In God have I put my confidence: I will not fear; what can man do unto me?

Jeremiah 17:7--Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord.

4.  Successful people are willing to make sacrifices.

When we think of making a sacrifice we associate it with pain, and there is a level of pain that comes with making a sacrifice.  It may mean giving up something or staying at home to work on a project when you really want to go shopping.  Or, it may mean getting up early when you want to sleep in.

There are many things we can sacrifice but it is the wise choices we make that will help us get closer to achieving success and becoming successful.

Sacrifices teach us how to set boundaries and disciplines our flesh so we can strive to complete the vision God has given us.  They are also a form of offering.

Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for us when He gave of Himself unselfishly to die on the cross for our sins.  The least we can do is learn to make wise sacrifices that create opportunities to fulfill our purpose in this life. It's a choice.

Scripture to remind us.

John 3:16--For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Psalms 54:6--I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good.

5.  Successful people are consistent.

I believe we all struggle with being consistent but in order to be successful and stay successful, we must learn to be consistent with the daily tasks that lead us closer to achieving our vision.

For example, if you start a blog or podcast, you must be consistent to write and publish content.  If you start an online business, you must be consistent in developing products and keeping up the demands of marketing.

Our mothers instilled the benefits of being consistent when she taught us the importance of taking a bath and brushing our teeth every day.

Take a moment to think about the successful people you admire, and look at their consistency.  Most likely, it played an important part in getting them to where they are today.

Consistency is the key to success and helps create the momentum one needs to stay relevant and fresh.

Scripture to remind us.

Luke 16:10--He that is faithful with little is faithful also with much, and he that is unjust with little is unjust also with much.

6.  Successful people are determined.

Determination is making up your mind to do something and see it through to the end.  The key words in this definition-"make up your mind."  Your mindset plays an important factor in achieving success.

Have you ever met someone who was so determined to do something that nothing or no one could stop them?  No mountain too tall to climb, no problem too big to solve, and in the end they achieved what they were determined to do.

This kind of determination takes tenacity.

A determination firmly embedded in one's heart.  A determination that sees failure as an opportunity instead of an option, and never gives up and never quits.

Scripture to remind us.

Philippians 3:14--I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Psalms 57:7--I am determined, O God! I am determined! I will sing and praise you!

7.  Successful people never give up and never quit.

I recently read where 5% of people who start out to achieve their goals and dreams actually see it through to the end.  For example, if you had 100 people starting out at the same time and all with the same mindset, training, and tools, only five would successfully complete their tasks.

Why only 5%?  It is easy to give up when things start to go wrong or when things get too stressful.  They let discouragement and failure rob them of their drive to keep going.  Besides, who likes hard-work.  It's much easier to do the laundry or watch a movie.

It takes a strong-willed and determined person to succeed.  Someone who is willing to put in the hours, the days, and the years to see their dreams fulfilled.

There is a reason there is only a handful of multi-millionaires in this world.

Scripture to remind us.

Galatians 6:9--and let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

8.  Successful people put in the work.

Success doesn't fall off trees like leaves in the fall or fall from the sky like cool raindrops on a spring morn.  Success comes from getting your hands dirty when it requires you to dig in the dirt with only your fingernails as shovels.

Success comes from staying up late or rising early to create content for your blog or website, finish writing a chapter in a book you've started, or create a new product for your business.  Or, to pray and study, to take an online course, or listen to a sermon for encouragement and motivation.

Success comes to those who learn to work smart and not harder, and are willing to get a little dirt under their fingernails.

Scripture to remind us.

Psalms 128:2--You will eat from the work of your hands; you will be happy, and it will go well for you.

9.  Successful people are willing to take risks and use faith as their assured confidence.

Let's face it, we all have our insecurities and have created our own safe-zones.  The comfort-zone, our easy chair, our side of the bed kind of comfort zone. A place we stay to avoid the fear of the unknown.

Insecurities and safe-zones create stumbling blocks, brick walls that take strength to scale and break down.  They keep us from success and experiencing the fullness of God's purpose for our life.

Maybe you'd like to start a business but the thought of stepping out makes you feel uncomfortable and intimation takes a strike at your dreams.  Maybe you'd like to be the next YouTube star and you know your message has meaning, purpose, and can make a difference, but your insecurities and your perfectionism mindset keep you from making the first video and putting yourself out there.

You're not alone.  We all have some level of insecurities and we've all created our own safe-place.  If we were to take a closer look, we would see an invisible entity that intertwines them both.  It's called fear.

Fear keeps us in bondage.  It keeps us in our insecurities and safe-zones.  It understands the power that lies outside its boundaries and keeps gripping us so we can't see it for yourself.  Fear is a thief and a thief robs.

I read a quote from Diane Keaton, a famous actress.  She said.  Her biggest take away after sixty years--

There is great value in being fearless, and for too much of her life she was too afraid and frightened by it all, and that fear was one of her biggest regrets.

Princess Prayer:
Dear Lord, please help us to be committed to your ways and be consistent with them. To be determined in our hearts to fulfill our purpose in this life by not being afraid to take risks, and put in the work.  Strengthen us with Your confidence to believe in ourselves and the abilities you have given us.  To stay optimistic in everyday situations so that we may experience the hope and future you have already provided.  May you strip away all our insecurities and ideas of perfectionism so we may give our lives to you as a willing sacrifice to help further your kingdom and be successful in this life.  In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen

Princess Confession:
I am courageous and give no place to fear. I am successful and will my works to Christ.

Your Etiquette Instructor,
Lisa-Rural America Girl

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