When Morning Dawns and the Rooster Crows

Jan 04, 2019

When morning dawns and the first appearance of light starts peaking through the once darkened sky, it's the first evidence of a new day beginning. 

I love the morning sunrise. Being able to see it, is only one of the beautiful blessings of living in the country. I'm thankful I don't have to look over or around tall buildings to see it, all I have to do is pull back the curtain and look out the window. 

Although I'm not a morning person, there are many things to like about mornings.

For example, the sound of a rooster crowing.  He crows regardless of the weather or season and never misses an opportunity to remind us another morning is dawning.    

His crow is like an alarm clock going off.  Gently and patiently he crows until the first morning light.  It's his way of saying "Rise and Shine! for this is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice! and be glad in it."

Reasons to be grateful for mornings.

  • God has given you another day.
  • A new and fresh opportunity to live your life to the fullest.
  • Another day to love and be grateful.
  • Another day to be a blessing.
  • Freshly brewed coffee. 
  • and, Bacon.

Rise and Shine,
Lisa-Rural America Girl

Are you a morning person?
What is your favorite thing about morning? 
Leave me your comments. Only the nice ones.


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