Wind Rolls - Rural America Girl Story

May 15, 2018


Hello, it's Lisa, Rural America Girl, and I would like to share a story called Wind Roll.

I was raised on a dirt road and grew up on a farm in rural America. I spent the majority of my summer days in the hay field watching my dad and grandpa rack and bale up hay.

I loved to ride on the tractor with dad or grandpa as they taught me the ins and outs of baling hay and operating a tractor. If I wasn't riding on the tractor I was sitting on the tailgate of my grandpa's ol' red standard shift Ford which I loved driving around, or on top of my three wheeler underneath the shade of a big pecan tree.

I remember the orange water cooler dad would pack with ice and water to bring along. It too would be sitting on the tailgate beside me. There was never a cup to drink the water with so I unscrewed the lid and used it as a bowl to catch the ice cold water and then tried to drink it without getting soaked. Most of the time I would get soaked but it sure felt good in the heat of a summer day.

If I could count all the hay bales I've seen baled throughout my life they would come close to the number of stars in the sky.

My how time flies. How quickly life passes us by. Like a wind roll of freshly rolled up hay waiting for the tractor to pass it over--only there for a moment. But on the other side, a beautiful round or square bale of hay is placed on the ground waiting on its purpose to be fulfilled.

Have you ever wondered what your purpose is? or, wondered why God birthed you onto this earth? I'm sure you have a yearning in your heart to know your purpose--your place--the plan God has designed for your life? I have-- and I believe you have also.

For some of you, it is your mission to find out and complete that plan with passion and purpose---I also believe faith is the driving force that pushes each of us with a yearning and desire to discover and fulfill God's plan for our life.

Many of you have been searching for a long time for that place, that purpose--and many of you feel as though God has forgotten you-- But that's not true. God hasn't forgotten you. and it's never too late.

Your life is part of a bigger plan--I like to call it the master plan because the master of the universe Jesus Christ has placed it into motion. You are a masterpiece and your life is part of the master plan God reveals to us step by step and day by day. But some of you are so busy trying to discover your place and your purpose that you are missing the bigger picture called Life.

You may never be president, have a fancy title after your name or help multitudes of people, preach behind a pulpit or be the best selling author but you have a title a place and a purpose-- Stop searching for your purpose or title or place---when it's plainly before you. It's being a mom, a dad, a brother or sister, It's being an aunt, an uncle, a cousin, niece or nephew. It's being a friend, a neighbor, a husband or wife..A teacher, a doctor, or even a coworker. All these titles have a purpose and a place--and a plan to fulfill.

--Trust the Lord with all your heart and don't let your purpose-- your place pass you by--fulfill it with passion and be determined to make a difference with your life. You've been praying for your life to be used in great and mighty ways and those great and mighty ways have already been taking place--it's the little things you do that make a difference.

The times your smile brightens up ones day or the times your kind words help encourage and shows someone you care - -or the times you love unconditionally and don't give up on those you love the most. It's the times you get up early to go work a job you really don't like but you know it provides for your family. It's the sacrifices you make on a daily basis--those are great and mighty things and part of your purpose.

I encourage you -- Live your life to the fullest, make the best of every day, every title, and every moment before life passes you by and your purpose on this earth is over---Like the wind Roll of freshly raked-up hay lying on the field awaiting its purpose--then suddenly rolled up and put away.

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