Work-out On The Farm Comes In Many Different Ways

Aug 09, 2018

It takes muscle and grit to live on a farm, and the work seems to be never-ending. Each day holds its list of chores that must be done.

There are no sick days or personal days. In fact, every day is a personal day because that's how we take our animals and property--personal. There is never a day taken for granted, but every day is taken to heart.

There is no time or need for a gym work-out or subscription.  Daily care for the animals and the land is enough to keep one strong.

These buckets I'm holding are heavy to lift, filled with feed and a whole lot of love.  The feed is light; the love is heavy; but when given daily, it builds character and muscle. It takes grit to give love and bravery to receive it.

You see, a work-out on the farm may help build muscles and washboard abs, but it's the love given daily, unselfishly and willingly that out bulges them all.

Hard work, commitment, and consistency pay off in the end,
Rural America Girl--Lisa


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