Worst Cooks In America-Round #1-Sunday- August 12th

Aug 09, 2018

Did you get to watch the premiere of the show Worst Cooks In America Season 14--Round #1?

In case you missed it, here is the replay link...Round #1-Worst Cooks.

My family and I gathered in our living room for the show, all ears and eyes were on the TV.  Oh my goodness! It was a nail-biting experience for me, that is for sure.

I had no idea what to expect.

All I can say is, "It was awesome!"

I laughed until I cried and then smiled so big my cheeks were hurting.

The chocolate gravy looked like refried beans instead of gravy, but the plate presentation looked great.

The steak and shrimp, wow! I'm not sure I could have done any better, and I can't believe she won the first round. Thank you Chef Burrell!

My girl is in it to win it. Go Sarah!

I can't wait to watch the next episode to see what happens next.

Round #2--Sunday, Aug. 19th.

Will you be watching?

Have you ever had chocolate gravy for breakfast?
Leave a comment, but only nice ones.


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