You Can't Photoshop an Ugly Heart

Apr 05, 2019

Check out this quote that recently caught my attention.  

One thing is for certain, the world is full of ugly people. They come in all shapes and sizes but I’m not just referring to one’s physical appearance, I’m talking about the ugliness that can found in almost every human on the planet. It’s weaved into the very membrane of one's personality, embedded in their soul and lives in the heart. 

Technology has given us the ability to point and click out the ugliness in our lives and make everything appear to be beautiful and perfect on the outside. Fancy filters and effects only create an illusion of the person one would like to be. But in reality, no matter how many filters, effects, and make-up one applies, an ugly heart can't be hidden. 

Ugly will always be ugly. 

The Bible refers to the heart as the wellspring of life. 

Proverbs 4:23--
Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

What's in your heart is important because it is the source of everything you do. When your heart is right there is no room for ugliness but when your heart is ugly so is everything else. 

In the Country, dealing with ugly people is like...stepping in a fresh pile of cow manure. 

Fix your heart, fix your life.

Rural America Girl-Lisa


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