Get my Book for FREE! (limited time) Apr 22, 2019

Today and this week is a special week.  Starting today Monday, April 22, 2019, I will be giving my book Princess Charm School:  A Godly Approach to Beauty, Poise, and Righteousness away for FREE!

Yes, you read it right, FREE!

I have never done this before and will never do it again. ...

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Don't Be Fooled Apr 01, 2019




Are you being fooled?  Do you really believe those lies?

What lies?  The ones that have been saying that God could never forgive you for what you have done.  The ones that have been saying you have messed up and sinned so much that God doesn't...

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Weekly Prayer Call Invitation Mar 31, 2019

[WATCH :56]


I am starting a weekly prayer call and I would like to invite you to join me.

This special teleseminar is a wonderful way for many people to be connected over the phone at once. 

The call will be starting next Wednesday morning [April 3rd, 2019] at 10 A.M. CST...

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You are Not a Failure Mar 30, 2019

[Watch Video]

Stop believing the lie that you are a failure because you are not!

You may think you're not where you need to be in your life, but God has a plan. 

It's time to start trusting in Him and that is called having faith.

His ways are bigger than your ways and His thoughts bigger than...

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The Problem with Selfishness Mar 28, 2019



I have been overwhelmed with tears today. I am not normally a crier.  I usually can keep it all together but sometimes, life gets the best of me and I have to cry it out.  

I'm crying because of the amount of selfishness I see around me. ...

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