No Task Too Big or Too Small Mar 19, 2020

In life, we dream of finding our place, living our purpose and making a difference. Along the journey, we find ourselves on paths we never thought of taking, doing things we never intended on doing.

For some, the journey leads to a big stage or to a corporate job, but for many, the journey...

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A Prayer I Pray Every Day Mar 29, 2019



A prayer I pray every day is this.  

Open my eyes to see what I need to see.
Open my ears to hear what I need to hear. 
Help me to do the things I need to do today.

When you pray this prayer and mean it, things start to happen.

Your eyes are opened...

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What makes a Godly Woman? Feb 21, 2019

In my last post, I wrote a letter to the Godly woman asking her where she had gone and why she no longer stands out in this world. 

Now, I’d like to explore the characteristics of a Godly woman and what godliness really means.    

A Godly woman is more than a woman...

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Godly Women. Where Have They Gone? Feb 18, 2019

Dear Godly Woman,

Where have you gone?  It seems you have been missing for a while, and no matter how hard I look for you, I can’t seem to find you.

Dear Godly Woman,

Have you gotten so far on the other side of the fence that you’ve lost your way back?  I’ve always...

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