What Makes a Successful Person Successful Oct 16, 2018

Are you looking for success?
Do you desire to be successful in life?

In this blog post, I will cover nine qualities that I have found that make a successful person successful.  Let's begin.

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1.  A successful person is Optimistic.

They believe there is good in every...

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Look At How Far You've Come Sep 02, 2018

Since 2001, when I got the vision to write an etiquette book and start a girl's ministry it has been a challenge.

I started writing chapters but it took seven years before the book was even published.

There have been a lot of adversity. A lot of tears, and a lot of times I wanted to give up, but...

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I Wrote Princess Charm School And This Happened Aug 21, 2018

Writing a book is no easy task, in fact, it is down-right hard, but don't let that stop you.  If you feel lead to write a book, I say go for it.

Throughout this Princess Charm School journey, I have cried many tears of frustration and have had many hardships.

Whenever God gives you a...

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Rural America Girls and Boys Jun 19, 2018

Hello from the Rural America Girls...and boys.

rural america girls and boys
Raychel and I are very excited to take on this divinely inspired endeavor together.  A new venture off into the sunset together at last. Onto the trails of pressing T-shirts, dreaming up cute designs, making jewelry, staying up late, and...

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Camera Journey Sep 05, 2017

For some time now, I have discovered a new creative passion--taking pictures and making videos.

I never knew I was capable of doing such until my mother bought me a camera for my birthday. It presented a new challenge for me.

I didn't have a clue how to use a camera much less a camera with all...

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