No Task Too Big or Too Small Mar 19, 2020

In life, we dream of finding our place, living our purpose and making a difference. Along the journey, we find ourselves on paths we never thought of taking, doing things we never intended on doing.

For some, the journey leads to a big stage or to a corporate job, but for many, the journey...

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Get my Book for FREE! (limited time) Apr 22, 2019

Today and this week is a special week.  Starting today Monday, April 22, 2019, I will be giving my book Princess Charm School:  A Godly Approach to Beauty, Poise, and Righteousness away for FREE!

Yes, you read it right, FREE!

I have never done this before and will never do it again. ...

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Stop Believing Lies Apr 06, 2019

[Watch Video]

Stop believing the lies in your head that say you are not enough, you are a failure, you are a mistake, you are messed up beyond the point of return, ugly and impossible!  The devil is a liar!

The lies of the enemy (the devil) are trying to cause you to miss the goodness of...

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You Can't Photoshop an Ugly Heart Apr 05, 2019

Check out this quote that recently caught my attention.  

One thing is for certain, the world is full of ugly people. They come in all shapes and sizes but I’m not just referring to one’s physical appearance, I’m talking about the ugliness that can found in almost...

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The Problem with Selfishness Mar 28, 2019



I have been overwhelmed with tears today. I am not normally a crier.  I usually can keep it all together but sometimes, life gets the best of me and I have to cry it out.  

I'm crying because of the amount of selfishness I see around me. ...

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What makes a Godly Woman? Feb 21, 2019

In my last post, I wrote a letter to the Godly woman asking her where she had gone and why she no longer stands out in this world. 

Now, I’d like to explore the characteristics of a Godly woman and what godliness really means.    

A Godly woman is more than a woman...

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