Life is Like Hairspray Jul 09, 2018

Life is like a can of today and gone the next. A vapor in the wind that is only seen for a moment.  A quick mist.  A morning dew. A morning fog.  All these things have one thing in common...they are temporary.

Our life is also temporary and like a vapor or...

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Girl Loves Showing Jul 08, 2018

Our middle child Raychel, the girl loves showing.  She loves being in the showring.  She loves her show heifers. She loves the hard work and time she has to dedicate to it.  (Well maybe that last part isn't so true.)  Showing livestock is hard work and you have to be...

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Rural America Girls and Boys Jun 19, 2018

Hello from the Rural America Girls...and boys.

rural america girls and boys
Raychel and I are very excited to take on this divinely inspired endeavor together.  A new venture off into the sunset together at last. Onto the trails of pressing T-shirts, dreaming up cute designs, making jewelry, staying up late, and...

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Roping Steers Jun 12, 2018

One thing you should know about my family...they love Roping Steers, calves, goats, dogs, chickens, my feet...the fact is there is always a loop swinging. They love to rope.  It doesn't matter if it is in an arena, in a garage, on a horse, on foot, in the barn, in the house...okay I...

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Breaking Out-Confidence is Key Jun 05, 2018

Breaking out of the box or breaking the barrier is not what you want to happen at a rodeo.  It will cost you 10 seconds...not good when you're trying for a winning time.

breaking out

Sarah is in the box ready to rope but they don't turn the steer out until she gives them the nod, no, not...

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The Official Book Jun 05, 2018

For the past few days, my daughters and I have been working on a very important official book.  The FFA Official Scrapbook.  If you’re not familiar, then please allow me to explain.

For the past five years, my daughter Raychel has been a member of the FFA—Future Farmers of...

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Wind Rolls - Rural America Girl Story May 15, 2018


Hello, it's Lisa, Rural America Girl, and I would like to share a story called Wind Roll.

I was raised on a dirt road and grew up on a farm in rural America. I spent the majority of my summer days in the hay field watching my dad and grandpa rack and bale up hay.

I loved to ride on the...

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Family, Food, and Mom May 14, 2018

Mother's Day 2017 was a success.

Mom and Dad joined us for a special Mother's Day Sunday lunch.  All three of my children were there and I was one happy Momma. Having all my family together makes me happy. My brother and mother-in-law dined with us as well.

I have a confession to...

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First Hunt May 09, 2018

A few days ago, my son Wade took his big sister Sarah duck hunting for the first time.

They both got up at 5 a.m. put on their camo and long johns and made their way to the pond before sunrise.

They took their shutguns, duck calls, duck decoys, and lawn chairs and camped out in the tall grass,...

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Travelin Show Gypsy May 07, 2018

Who said showing livestock would be easy?  Sure, let's grab a heifer out of the pasture, hook-up the crusty rusty trailer to the old Chevy, and let's roll!

Please keep in mind, this is only make-believe.  There is nothing about showing that is easy especially when it comes to loading...

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Introducing Wade Outdoors May 06, 2018

I believe it is important to help nurture your child's gifts and talents.  This is my son Wade.

He loves everything hunting, fishing, and camo. He is very creative in fact, all three of my children are very talented. Here they are together...

One day, I found Wade in his room creating this...

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Be Faithful in the Little Things May 06, 2018

Good men are hard to find. I'm proud to have a good one.

He is dedicated and faithful to his family.  He is hard-working and not afraid to get his hands dirty. He has the kind of hands that are rough and callused, scared and weathered. They are gentle when a soft touch is needed or stern and...

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