What Makes a Successful Person Successful Oct 16, 2018

Are you looking for success?
Do you desire to be successful in life?

In this blog post, I will cover nine qualities that I have found that make a successful person successful.  Let's begin.

Listen in Soundcloud:

1.  A successful person is Optimistic.

They believe there is good in every...

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Morning Rays Oct 03, 2018

Morning Rays how beautiful they are,

Peaking over the barn top roof.

In the midst of the morning sky,

As a reminder and proof,

There is a God in heaven that loves Rural America, and loves you.

God loves you,
Lisa-Rural America Girl


Resources just for you.

If you are interested in...

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Watching Over the Flock Oct 02, 2018

If you look close enough, you will find the king of the jungle or farm I should say.

His name is Lion REX.

He's the oldest of our three farm dogs.

He is old, gray, and very wise. At least in the dog world.
And I can't forget very protective.

He is always on watch--day watch, night watch, and...

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A Beautiful Day To Be A Rooster Oct 01, 2018

I  get up early every morning to tend to the chickens. Here are the steps.

Step 1: I gather their treats, table scraps and such from the night before.

Step 2: Slip on my rubber boots to keep my feet dry from the morning dew.

Step 3: Fight my way out the back door where all three...

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The Worst Cook In America Sep 14, 2018

This is my older daughter Sarah Kathryn.  Isn't she a cutie?  I know she's twenty-three now, and not a little girl anymore, but she's still pretty cute.

Here she is washing dishes. She loves to cook, at least she loves trying to cook.

I have woke many mornings to the smell of scorched...

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The Sparkle Side Of Me Sep 04, 2018

WATCH MY VIDEO [length 3:04] 

Hello, I'm Lisa Delmedico Harris-Rural America Girl, but did you know I'm also the author and founder of Princess Charm School, etiquette instructor, and self-image coach?  But, I'm not your ordinary etiquette coach, my teachings are based on scripture...I...

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Worst Cooks - Round #4 - Season 14 - Food Network Sep 03, 2018

Did you get to watch Round #4 of the Worst Cooks In America Season 14?

The Ick Factor

The kitchen can be a scary place, but the recruits must learn to face their fears in boot camp. First, they're forced to expand their palates with some unusual ingredients in a Cake Walk-inspired game that...

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Look At How Far You've Come Sep 02, 2018

Since 2001, when I got the vision to write an etiquette book and start a girl's ministry it has been a challenge.

I started writing chapters but it took seven years before the book was even published.

There have been a lot of adversity. A lot of tears, and a lot of times I wanted to give up, but...

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Show a Little Kindness Sep 01, 2018

What would happen if we were all a little nicer?

A little less selfish, rude, and hateful?

What would happen if we actually said hello to the person with which we made eye contact?

Or, helped a neighbor or stranger in need?

I think it would make the world a better place.

As Christians, we are...

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Don't Grow Weary in Doing What is Right Aug 28, 2018

Have you heard about the 5th-grade boy who was punished for saying "Yes Ma'am" to his teacher?

A fifth grader in North Carolina had to write "ma'am" dozens of times as punishment for calling his teacher "ma'am.

Here's the article, and yes this is real.

Isn't school a place where teachers are to...

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Worst Cooks Round #3--Food Network--Chicken Dinner Aug 27, 2018

Did you get to watch Round #3 of the Worst Cooks In America Season 14?

They titled the show Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner. How fitting considering they had to butcher and fry chicken. YUM!

Three words can sum up this episode:


It looked so good, I thought I would share the ...

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Bass Pro Wonders of Wildlife Museum--Trip Aug 25, 2018

My son Wade, loves to hunt and fish. He absolutely loves the outdoors. So, I thought it would be fitting to take him to explore the Wonders of Wildlife Museum in Springfield, MO.

We left early on a Saturday morning and set out for a three-hour drive.

I purchased our tickets online which made it...

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