Purple Blooms Aug 04, 2018

Every chance I get, I like to go for a walk or ride the mule (4 wheeler) in the pasture to check the cows.

Almost everytime I do, I find a new wildflower.

I don't think this is a wildflower but instead, a weed going to seed.

Either one, I don't mind.  I think it is pretty.

The green and...

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There is Freedom Aug 02, 2018

Recently America celebrated the fourth of July, also known as Independence Day or July the 4th.

A day set aside to celebrate the birth of our independence as Americans, to wave our flags, and wear something red, white, and blue.

It was a historical and important day in history for our country. A...

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Don't Just Tolerate Life-Celebrate It. Jul 18, 2018

Recently, I ran onto a video from a country girl I follow on Facebook, Courtenay Dehoff TV. I enjoyed watching and listening to her last video on "Could Rural America hold the solution?"

In a way, I took this video as a confirmation to what I have been working on--Rural America Girl. Thank you...

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Bows, Guns, Wind, and Prairie Dogs Jul 16, 2018

Have you ever heard of YHEC?

It's a wonderful program and competition for boys and girls up to 18 years old, and let me tell you, there are some very talented competitors.

YHEC is recognized as the most comprehensive youth hunting program anywhere in North America, the Youth Hunter Education...

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The World Needs More Cowboys Jul 10, 2018

The world needs more cowboys.

In the country, will still raise our boys to be men, to respect God, America, and the Flag.

Will Real Men Please Stand Up!

WATCH THE VIDEO[length 3:33] below to learn more.

Cowboy Up,

Don't forget to leave a comment. Kind ones only.
Do you know a real...

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Life is Like Hairspray Jul 09, 2018

Life is like a can of today and gone the next. A vapor in the wind that is only seen for a moment.  A quick mist.  A morning dew. A morning fog.  All these things have one thing in common...they are temporary.

Our life is also temporary and like a vapor or...

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Girl Loves Showing Jul 08, 2018

Our middle child Raychel, the girl loves showing.  She loves being in the showring.  She loves her show heifers. She loves the hard work and time she has to dedicate to it.  (Well maybe that last part isn't so true.)  Showing livestock is hard work and you have to be...

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Rural America Girls and Boys Jun 19, 2018

Hello from the Rural America Girls...and boys.

rural america girls and boys
Raychel and I are very excited to take on this divinely inspired endeavor together.  A new venture off into the sunset together at last. Onto the trails of pressing T-shirts, dreaming up cute designs, making jewelry, staying up late, and...

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Roping Steers Jun 12, 2018

One thing you should know about my family...they love Roping Steers, calves, goats, dogs, chickens, my feet...the fact is there is always a loop swinging. They love to rope.  It doesn't matter if it is in an arena, in a garage, on a horse, on foot, in the barn, in the house...okay I...

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Breaking Out-Confidence is Key Jun 05, 2018

Breaking out of the box or breaking the barrier is not what you want to happen at a rodeo.  It will cost you 10 seconds...not good when you're trying for a winning time.

breaking out

Sarah is in the box ready to rope but they don't turn the steer out until she gives them the nod, no, not...

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The Official Book Jun 05, 2018

For the past few days, my daughters and I have been working on a very important official book.  The FFA Official Scrapbook.  If you’re not familiar, then please allow me to explain.

For the past five years, my daughter Raychel has been a member of the FFA—Future Farmers of...

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Hairstyles Jun 05, 2018

I love to look at pictures of hairstyles on Pinterest and daydream about what my life would be like if I had beautiful flowing locks or a short and sassy style.  Would my life really be any better?  And would the perfect hairstyle really make a difference?

If I did have beautiful...

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