I Wrote Princess Charm School And This Happened Aug 21, 2018

Writing a book is no easy task, in fact, it is down-right hard, but don't let that stop you.  If you feel lead to write a book, I say go for it.

Throughout this Princess Charm School journey, I have cried many tears of frustration and have had many hardships.

Whenever God gives you a...

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Worst Cooks In America--Round #2--Aug. 19, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

Did you get to watch Round #2 of the Worst Cooks In America Season 14?

It's round #2 and I have no idea what to expect from this weeks episode.

You think I would know it all since I'm the mom, but I don't.  I'm having to watch and learn just like you.

This week's episode, I must say,...

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Lead Others to Christ Aug 19, 2018

Are you living your life in a way that would lead others to Christ?

Are you standing out in a world of darkness?

Are you making a difference with your life?

WATCH Video [length 4:36] to learn more...

Scriptures Mentioned:

Galatians 6:3 NLT, "If you think you are too important to help...

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Mr. Harris-The English Teacher Aug 19, 2018

Meet Mr. Harris-my husband, father our three beautiful children, cowboy, horseman extraordinaire, hard-worker, horse whisperer, retired school teacher, and the list goes on.

He is a man of many titles and many talents.

When I met this rugged cowboy man for the first time, I would have never...

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Beautiful Things Happen In The Strangest Places Aug 17, 2018


If you've ever stepped in a pile of fresh cow poop.  You know it ain't pretty. It's smelly and downright nasty.  If you're not familiar with cow poop, let me give you a lesson.  It comes from a cows behind.

Cows don't need to squat like humans, in fact, they can let...

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Corn Fields--A Place Of Hope Aug 11, 2018

I love to see the farmland planted with corn. For miles, I can see nothing but the vibrant shades of green, as it stretches along the straightly plowed and planted rolls.  It's amazing what one can do with a seed.

The power of a seed only knows the power it withholds, for in it lives the...

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Chick Magnet Aug 10, 2018

Look at this boy, a handsome young man, dressed in denim and speckled with farm dust.  He and his rugged look are no match for a rooster, at least that's so for this little chick.

It's this young man's magnetic and outgoing personality that draws her attention, as she confidently perches...

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Constant Negative News Aug 09, 2018

Research proves exposure to negativity may have serious and long-lasting psychological effects beyond simple feelings of pessimism and goes on to suggest that negativity contributes to the development of stress, anxiety, depression, and provokes worry.

Are you a victim of constant negative...

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Work-out On The Farm Comes In Many Different Ways Aug 09, 2018

It takes muscle and grit to live on a farm, and the work seems to be never-ending. Each day holds its list of chores that must be done.

There are no sick days or personal days. In fact, every day is a personal day because that's how we take our animals and property--personal. There is never...

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Worst Cooks In America-Round #1-Sunday- August 12th Aug 09, 2018

Did you get to watch the premiere of the show Worst Cooks In America Season 14--Round #1?

In case you missed it, here is the replay link...Round #1-Worst Cooks.

My family and I gathered in our living room for the show, all ears and eyes were on the TV.  Oh my goodness! It was a...

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The Birthday Boy-Wade Aug 07, 2018

It is hard to believe this little boy came into the world seventeen years ago today, Aug. 6th. Of course, he isn't little anymore...he is much taller now and doesn't need diapers, but he will always be mommy's little boy.

What a joy he has been to our family, and an answer to my heart's desire.


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The Roping Box Aug 07, 2018

A lot of things happen in the roping box.

It's a place where horses learn to stand still, be patient, and mind their manners.

The roping box is a three-sided box surrounded with metal fencing.  It is a place where cowboys and cowgirls get their start when it comes to roping events.


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